Global interconnection
GITGE trades, operates and maintains the telecommunication infrastructures of Equatorial Guinea, supplying it with an unmatched level of excellence, as required by the dynamic business environment that makes technology a support factor for production nowadays. The company's commercial strategies are linked to social and economic values. Our operations are carried in a sustainable way in the economic, ethical, social and environmental fields.
Internet service restoration offering the most efficient and cost-effective route selection for any Internet destination, at speeds ranging from 50Mbps to 10Gbps.
- IP Transit from Malabo
- IP Transit from Bata.
Leasing of other infrastructures located at our centers:
- Tower location
- Booth location
- Energy supply
- Supervision and maintenance.
- Additional services
- Services supported by our network specifically conceived and constructed as FTTH (Fiber To The Home).
- Access: connectivity from the operator interconnection point (Operator Access Point, PAO) to your client's optical terminal (ONT).
- Interconnection: Interconnection from the operator access point (PAO) to the network header.
Internet service restoration offering the most efficient and cost-effective route selection for any Internet destination, at speeds ranging from 50Mbps to 10Gbps.
- IP Transit from Malabo
- IP Transit from Bata.
Leasing of other infrastructures located at our centers:
- Tower location
- Booth location
- Energy supply
- Supervision and maintenance.
- Additional services
- Services supported by our network specifically conceived and constructed as FTTH (Fiber To The Home).
- Access: connectivity from the operator interconnection point (Operator Access Point, PAO) to your client's optical terminal (ONT).
- Interconnection: Interconnection from the operator access point (PAO) to the network header.
Our FTTH network is:
- Neutral: It can be used by several operators concurrently without interference or communication between them.
- Transparent: With the common IP standard, it is transparent to the final services that each operator offers to its customers. Operators must not modify their catalog of services due to the use of this network.
- Scalable: It offers the possibility of increasing the services' performance (mainly bandwidth) without modifying its design.
- Safe: Its high level of availability guarantees operators an optimal provision of final services to users.
- Easy provision: The provision and installation of new users is simple and agile and it is done by GITGE itself.
Digital Port
GITGE interconnects 3 international connection points in the territory of Equatorial Guinea:
GITGE interconnects 3 international connection points in the territory of Equatorial Guinea:
- Malabo Digital Port (MDP).
- Bata Digital Port (BDP)
- Kribi Digital Port (KDP) en Camerún.

Complementary services
Wavelength services offering transparent, high-speed point-to-point connectivity, based on dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology. This allows us to provide dedicated bandwidth at 10Gbps and 100Gbps to all destinations between Fortaleza and Europe, South Africa and the Coast of Africa.
International private line: It is a transparent point-to-point transport service that is delivered through a standards-based synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH). The technology provides operators with the security of guaranteed bandwidth and the ability to transmit information securely through their most sensitive applications.
Our complete Ethernet solution offers a point-to-point transport service with guaranteed bandwidth. Providing services at speeds of 1Mbps to 10Gbps, the solution is specifically designed to meet the unique demands of privacy, security, service availability, business continuity and cost optimization of customers.
4▪ IP Transit
Internet service restoration. It offers the most efficient and cost-effective route selection for any Internet destination, at speeds ranging from 50Mbps to 10Gbps.
Racks Rental. GITGE provides a reliable, stable and secure environment to host a wide variety of network equipment at our cable landing stations (CLS) and Data Processing Centers in Malabo and Bata.
2Cross Connect
Circuit interconnection between submarine cables.
Regional Interconnection Point.
4CDN / Content
Content distribution and hosting.
All services will be subject to viability